Some Days Are Hard n Some R Easy

by skyla   Jan 7, 2008

My day with out you are always hard and long. Some days I cry and some days i write. But everything i do somehow reminds me of you. The bus rides to school were always fun and the phone calls that last for hours. You always tried to protected me from all the guys that treated me wrong and thats what made my love for you stronger. you were always watching my back and I'm grateful that you were in my life. but my memories of you are slowly fading from my thoughts and your face is dissolving from my mind. I prayed that i would be able to forget about you and now that i am I'm afraid of losing the memory's of our friendship.maybe you've already forgotten about me and it kills me to think that but its for the best that we forget about each other. i want to continue my life with this other person but ur always on the back of my mind and its hard to fall in love with him wen i still love u. I'm tired of waiting for you...and i know that ur not going to come back for me...ur not my knight in shining armor ny more cause they don't exist with out u.


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