Comments : Kill Yourself.

  • What was your inspiration for this one? Just curious. Very good but I could understand better if I had some background better? 5/5 anyways ;)

  • 17 years ago

    by Not

    I like your poem,I wish i can find somebody like that.My relationships haven't been as great but im glad that you have someone and that person should be glad that they have a wonderful poem made written for them....great always..xoxo!!...=)

  • 17 years ago

    by Riley

    Hmmm, there's something off about flow here it seems. It's just that I have to reread a few lines to make it fit in.

    I like the general idea of the poem, and you stuck to one expression, which is good ;)

  • 17 years ago

    by BleedingAngel

    Ohh wow, left me speechless =0( love this poem especially the ending, made me longing to be a little girl again, when everything was so easy....Lige gets tough as you get older =0(

    Starting the poem with lullabies, made me long for my mom and the time she use to sing for me when I was very little =0)

    Love Sabbi

  • 17 years ago

    by crystaljean88

    Wow, this poem was very dificult for me to read jus because i could picture this., very dramatic. loved it