I'm going on
I had enough
I'm not dealing with it anymore
You wanna play invisable
Well thats ok with me
because i will play along
I'm just tired of the crap
I'm tired of the rumors
I had enough and i don't want to deal with it anymore
Been arguing
Been fighting sences the day my cusion died
and i don't want to deal with it anymore
I don't want to hear peoples crap
I don't want to hear peoples lies
I had enough and I'm not dealing with it no more
Leave me the Hell alone
and don't come complaing to me
Don't come bothering me
Don't talk to me about it any more
This is the end of it all
so don't come back
Don't come running to me
I won't lisen
I won't hear it
I'm not doing it any more
and that is it