Losing You

by Chelsea R.   May 14, 2004

My world is so cold
I can't get through this alone
please don't keep falling
further out of my reach
I'm losing you
and I can feel it
I don't know what to do
I can't make you be
my best friend
this is really the end
you don't even talk to me anymore
when I tell you things
its like you aren't even there
maybe its because you don't really care
I hope thats not true
did you notice that day
how those two weren't there
that day we actually seemed okay
but that was just one day
and now its back to usual
you with your best friend
it isn't me
but now I see
thats how you want it to be


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  • 20 years ago

    by Chelsea R.

    Hey thanx for the comment...i looked at some of your poems i liked the one called I'm Sorry. **Luv**...*Chelsea*

  • 20 years ago

    by :( sydney ):

    i love this poem. it's really good, keep writing! check out some of my poems.