Comments : Twinkle Twinkle Lots Of Stars

  • 17 years ago

    by FlawlesslyTarnished

    A beautiful poem. Your choice was words were great and your vocabulary was superb. The imagery you created for this piece was excellent and the emotion you catpured was great as well. The flow was a little rocky, but still, a great poem nonetheless. After reading the first stanza, I simply had to read the rest. An excellent and amazing write. 5/5.

  • 17 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    I LOVE your description of the stars! They are my favorite thing ever created!

    Nights crystal studded blanket
    that lays over this world

    That was my favorite line, though so many were good!
    I applaud this and give it a five for sure!

  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    1st stanza:

    I absolutely adore the imagery painted in this stanza, when I read that for the first time it made me smile straight away and created such pretty pictures in my mind.

    2nd stanza: I thought the flow was just a teensy bit of on the last line.

    "still so clear and so new"

    Maybe try getting rid of the second "so."

    "still so clear and new."

    That seems to flow better for me.

    3rd stanza:
    Booooootiful! Just beautiful. Oh my, how I love the imagery you put into that particular stanza. Stunning vivid pictures are created for the reader, just in that stanza alone.

    "take a look for yourself
    at the beauty they hold"

    ^^Favourite lines so far. I found these lines to be filled with so much meaning and for some reason, it made me feel optimistic about everything...there's so much beauty in these two lines.

    Last stanza, was a beautiful way to wrap up this breathtaking piece.

    My favourite part in this has to be the imagery you painted throughout. It got better and better as each stanza went along.

    Coupled with a perfect flow (apart from the small part I mentioned) this poem is a wonderful write, and you should be proud.

  • 17 years ago

    by xxTaegan Emilyxx

    Naw, i really liked this poem! Its so cute and beautifully written. The flow is great so its easy to read.

    Taegan Emily

  • 17 years ago

    by Kayla

    Amazing! Beautiful! The title alone captured my attention, but the poem itself was, wow... stunning! I loved your choice of words, the flow, how neat and organized your work was. The entire poem is just perfect, darling! You did a great job, I bet many will be able to relate to this piece. 5/5 <3 <3 <3


  • 17 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    This is breathtakingly beautiful from the beginning to the end. You managed to entwine greatly expressed emotions with superb descriptions. The imagery that you created is so vivid, truly fantastic. The flow of the whole piece is serene and truly flawless.
    My favorite stanza is:

    - Nights crystal studded blanket
    that lays over this world
    glance at a new section
    a new landscape unfurls-

    Wonderful read!
    5/5 from me

  • 17 years ago

    by Bryan

    Hm, a bit different than the other 2 but i like that, tis a great poem, and a great story also, again flow tis flawless and so is the grammer, man u got skills, i give it another 5/5!!!!!

  • 16 years ago

    by Hebe

    Wow.. amazing..
    Your discription of the stars are is great!
    A very good imagery too.
    This was really a pleasure to read.
    Take care

  • 16 years ago

    by Cassie

    Koolio liked this poem wicked mate 5/5 again!!