by kattie   Jan 8, 2008

Daddy why?
Why do YOU cause all this pain?
Why to you make it a game?
Why did you leave me?
You never really did care.
Why did you make mommy cry?
Why please tell me why?
Why do you lie?
You make me want to die!
Why do you promise?
Then break it?
you lie to me
you said ill will always
be your Lil girl but you
lied to me!You don't really care
if you hurt me???
ii just don't understand
ii don't understand why you do it?
You don't care about me???
Because you cant control me,
you told me that ii didn't love you
but ii do love you daddy but i don't know if
you love me?
ii just don't understand
You're trying to be the good person,
You just want to look like the hero.
When you just make yourself look like a fool!
A fool in my eyes!
I didn't want you to leave me
but you told me to never talk to you
again...why? What did ii ever do
daddy to make you say that to me
to hear you say that ii didn't love
you! you made my life hell when i
was grounding up you never did shit with me
just sum thing why couldn't you be like all
the other daddys? ii miss you daddy but
i know you don't miss me like when you call
the house to talk to Jake && ii pick up you
just hang up on me! ii can really see how
much ii mean to you now ii guess I'm nothing
to you anymore ii guess I'm just the girl who
lives next door.daddy ii love you but ii wish u
could see that.why did things have to chance?
ii miss you
But for now ii guess this is ;(


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by ViolentlyDisturbed

    Very nice poem well written.
    I know how you feel my father did the same and if you ever wanna talk just sent me a message.

    Take care-

  • 16 years ago

    by SimoneMichelle

    Filled with so much emotion.
    no-one can get over this sort of stuff.

    thats why we all write poems on this site. (:
    to express our feelings.

    i hope you are okay


  • 17 years ago

    by Mike Martin

    So much feeling...I love it....I am sorry, if this is you. I wish I could offer answers but I can't. My heart pours out to you, but never say good-bye for good....xoxo

  • 17 years ago

    by Attila Nyitrai

    Great, very well write!

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