
by Megan   Jan 8, 2008

Whats perfection? Is it having every little strand of hair in place?Or is it what we make it? Is it never having a problem or isue in life that you dont have the answer for? Or is it how we handle the probems and issues in our life and what we learn from them and our mistakes? Is it being a certain color or race or even a certain religion? NO Perfection is what we make it. Its what we see in ourselves that no one else does. Its the potential you have in yourself. Its how you see it..not others. Everyone has theyr own porspective on perfection. And I think the perfect perspective is that everyone has unanswered questions and issues but the perfect ones are the ones who see theyr issues as learing experiences.



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  • 17 years ago

    by CWG

    So true. Good job.

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