Not Done Yet

by Chris   Jan 9, 2008

Everyone thinks I'm done
Everyone thinks I can't go on
Everyone thinks I can't do more
Everyone thinks I've been defeated

Well I've got news for them
This piece of news they won't believe
Well I've got news for you
This piece of news you won't believe

They thought it was over
You thought it was over
They only looked in awe
You only walked away

But now I suggest you turn around again
Because you're going to see something
That you won't believe no matter
How many times it happens

I'm not done yet
That was only round one
Now let's begin round two
And after that we can have round three

They say no
You say no
My body says no
My heart says yes

I've taken your best
I've taken your worst
I'm still standing
And I'm not done yet


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  • 16 years ago

    by DreamingOutLoud

    One of your best poems :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Sammerz

    Awww....this poem was really good i think theres only one thing i would change in it other than that it was well written so 5/5 Good Job!!!!!