Like you were dieing!

by James Weatherbee   Jan 9, 2008

I Just want to say;
you should live each day;
like you were dieing;
even when your heart is flying;
don't rush through life so fast;
never know how long it will last;
one day you're great friends;
the next their life ends;
one day you're kissing their lips;
or laughing at their quips;
the next they are six feet deep;
where only the bugs creep;
I guess what I wanna say;
is don't waste this or any day!


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  • 16 years ago

    by Dark Secrets

    That's such sweet advice...

    "even when your heart is flying;
    don't rush through life so fast;
    never know how long it will last;"
    ^ this part is the best, sometimes people get so carried away in the moment that they ruin it all for themselves.

    I found your poem inspiring, part of it is a bit pessimistic, but the outcome of the whole poem is very optimistic.

    It's short but says what it needs to say and it says a lot about you and your way in living life... good job! *thumbs up*

  • 17 years ago

    by ChAsInG PavEmEnTs

    Even though i've been gone for a while...
    u still got it!... :P i love u james!

  • 17 years ago

    by Britt

    This is a really good poem and i do agree with u...
    one min i had somethin and then next it was gone and i dont know why or how it happened

    well ttyl


  • 17 years ago

    by Beautiful Disaster

    Omg so true...i just went through losin a friend not too long ago and before that i lost a friend the year b4..its hard but shouldn't waste ur time together...5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Meme

    This is very true
    great one again
    5/5 :)

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