My Poetry, Unique.

by Unknown   Jan 9, 2008

To open my account, I found that before all other poems, I should write this to explain my reasoning behind such a form of writing.

It is said that poetry is a free form of literature, that it is not bound to rhyming or a certain 'flow', more so creative writing; words written in a way that they wouldn't usually be said in. Perhaps certain people do speak in such a manner, but who is to say that people don't speak in your form of writing, either?
The point I'm trying to make is, well, basically I'm trying to say that, to me, this is poetry.
Rhymes aren't needed, flow unnecessary, all that matters is a message, and with all of my poems, this one included, I feel I deliver that.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Betsy

    Thats true and i agree with you!