I Miss You...

by Ryan   Jan 10, 2008

I can not help but have you on my mind...
So full of energy, nice, and kind.
I am laying here again, unable to sleep...
the place you hold in my heart is the most deep.
You can so easily make me smile, control my emotions well...
though what in the future will become of us, I can not foretell.

When with you the emotions at the depths of my heart begin to stir,
lighting that flame of happiness, not letting it die out.
Staying by your side without knowing how you feel is something I will endure,
I will wait for how you feel, I don't want there to be any doubt.

You're the one that guides me and brings out my best,
If only I could tell you this... then I could get some rest.

I miss you.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Danielle

    Think thats adorable if she doesnt like that than somethings wrong...great work**

  • 17 years ago

    by kasia nicole

    Wow this is a really nice poem. I really enjoyed reading it. I loved your choice of words and every thing. It was perfect I know how you feel I've been there before and it's hard at times but it will come through. i give you a 5/5 kasia