This torn girl is me

by Crystallovesmatt   Jan 10, 2008

Beautiful girl
heart full of pain
this love is not easy
shes going insane

she is constantly beaten
her body bruised and sore
her heart now shattered
her wrists bloody and tore

she tries to cut
all the pain away
maybe if she keeps her mouth shut
everything will get better someday

but until then
this pain will slowly kill
she looks for a friend
shes trying without any will

she doesnt want to be here
her pain noone can see
even though you all may not care,
this torn girl is me!!

* this is about me i've been through so much hell and i honestly care too much for him to just let it go!! i know i should and part of me wants to i mean its been over two years!


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  • 16 years ago

    by waiting 4 some1

    "i've been through so much hell" ==> i can tell that after reading the poem but you know what, you are still alive which means there is still a chance to find heaven.

    very nice poem but sad one

  • 16 years ago

    by JustKristina

    Another great write! You have such a way of taking your feelings and putting them to words! Words that can speak to anyone's heart and they can cringe for you.. i know that i have goosebumps.. wonderful work! wonderful rhyming and structure! keep it up! :D *again, im here for you*

  • 16 years ago

    by ShawdowDancer

    Hey you can always consider me as a friend and if you ever want to talk i'm here

  • 16 years ago

    by xxTaegan Emilyxx

    Wow this is a really sad poem. Im guessing this is about a boyfriend, this i can relate to. i didnt want to leave because i thought it was love but he never loved me. I think this is a well written poem. It flows well and has alot of emotion attached to it in the words.
    Taegan Emily

  • 16 years ago

    by Katie

    I like the ending, it's kind of a twist. Great poem.