A Little Girl

by Unknown Substance   Jan 11, 2008

A little girl ran away
Hoping for a better day
No more drugs no more fights
No more restless aching nights

She climbed out here window on to the roof
This showed her braveness the ultimate proof
She slid down the house landing of her feet
She smiled when she saw the snow as it begin to sleet
Looking at the sky as if she never seen the stars above
Fast into the night she ran hoping to find some love

The little girl was so happy she danced all the way down town
And when she reached the end she did not wear a frown
She just continued as joyful as she begun
She was so proud of herself this was the smartest thing she had ever done

Till a man pulled up in a van
Promising to be her best friend
He talked of what she always dreamed
But the man wasn't as nice as he seemed

He took her to a house far far away
And this is where forever she'll stay
The little girl hoping to find love
Found in the heavens high above


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by amelia

    Wonderful poem
    loved readin it

    wil read more of ur poems next time i log in
    thanks for commenting on my poem


  • 17 years ago

    by A Phoenyx in Flight

    Omg i was blown away You did it again this is an exellent well ritten poen keep it up!!!!!!!!!!! 5/5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Stephanie

    it really realistic(which really is sad), just the way it flows it's great.

  • 17 years ago

    by Mike Martin


  • 17 years ago

    by Kayla

    Omg, hun!!! Whenever I was first reading this, I was wondering why it was in the depression poems.. then I got to the 4th stanza and realized why. I have no idea what society is coming to these days, but you definitely made a great poem out of it! It was so sad but yet so true because these things happen every single day. Great job, I've never seen a piece like this one before. 5/5 <3 <3 <3
