Comments : Did you know...?

  • 17 years ago

    by Spirit

    *teary eyed*
    wow!!!have you ever read a poem that was kind of like a wake up call????-If you had than you know how i feel right now..... what you wrote about is like my life only i didn't realize. weird right? - - - - - Anyway it was like i was going threw all these thing just so that i could be reconized by * him * but I was doing them unknowingly. Strange huh? ? ? It is like you reached inside me and some how slapped me in the face. sorry. but I guess i'm freeking you out right now. anyway i love your poem and i can't wait for any thing new from you.
    and this is now one of my faves.
    (~:Sam Mayo:~)

  • 17 years ago

    by xxTaegan Emilyxx

    "You probably wondering why I get mad when I can't spend time with you,
    It's only because your my best friend and without you, I don't know what I would do." - i can relate to this 150% so i like these lines, they stood out to me.
    The flow was a little rocky but overall a beautiful poem. i can relate to it with my boyfriend at the moment. so i really enjoyed this poem.
    Its powerful and emotional and gets the point across quite clearly.
    Taegan Emily

  • 16 years ago

    by XxBrokenInsidexX

    Im like in tears right now!
    This is exactly what I want to tell my boyfriend!

  • 16 years ago

    by Tina Carr AKA Snickers

    Keep it up,
    I hope to read more just like this one. Simply marvelous.


  • 16 years ago

    by Dennis

    No shortage of emotion in this one! The flow isn't quite there...but I can't honestly say I could have done any better considering all you had to say. Overall a very touching piece that I enjoyed reading very much. Keep up the good work :)