Comments : You're gone.

  • 17 years ago

    by CountlessMoments

    This poem is very sad. dieing is such a sad word. its never a good word to say to anyone. but i love it.

  • 17 years ago

    by you will never forget me

    Yes you musn't say that katie..oh my garnett..what were you thinking? =]..lmao..i love you more than my life..<3

  • 16 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    This poem is very blunt and sad. It is so hard to deal with the loss of a loved one it is so definete. Although the person may not be here physically, they will live forever inside your heart and your memories. Good job on this heartfelt write.

  • 16 years ago

    by Sora

    I can really relate to this poem it reminds of my friend who past just over a year ago.
    well, this poem was beautfiful.
    the flow was fantastic too.

    i walk outside
    look up to the sky and..
    birds fly out of trees
    and i pray to god you didn't hear me.
    it doesn't matter now because you're gone.

    i really liked that stanza. you chose your words wisely.
    job well done.


  • 16 years ago

    by dirtyhands

    So sad,,sniff
    nut its its good,,i pictured something on my mind while reading it,,