We've Had Enough! They All Screamed Revolution

by Alex D   Jan 11, 2008

Weve had enough of these politicians wars!
We dont care about these military score boards.
What we need? What we need right now is peace
What we need? What we need right now is to cease
Bring the troops home and let the rebels be
Its their problem, theyll figure it out, youll see
Were sick and tired of this endless fight for oil
While you hide it by claiming of ending turmoil
Worry about your own kind, Worry about your own.
We need to change history, Use your throne
End this; Let your name go down in textbooks
As the one who ended it despite what it took
Dont let this continue to be taught to our kids
Your actions will decide whether ignorance is bred
Were taught from a young age to assimilate
And to accept what were told without debate
But Im taking back me and Im going to be free
I hope you all wisen up and make your own identity

Weve had enough of these politicians wars!
We dont care about these military score boards.
I cant wait for the day when we finally answer back
Theyll hear it screamed for miles, REBELLION, Fight Back
Theyll cower and theyll hide, mass revolution decides
Whether these dictators will continue to live or die
Well stand up together fists clenched in desire
To fight for meaning and substance, cant stop this wild fire
You know you want to, Dont worry the sun will always set
But you can bet our moon will do quite the opposite
So baby, take a chance and fight back, make a statement
Set fire to the medias cover-ups and advertisements

Im not buying, No Im not buying
This bulls**t that its for "the best"
Im not buying, No Im not buying
This s**t needs to be stopped and put to rest
Im not buying, No Im not buying
Because Ive had enough.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by adroit

    This poem shouts. In a good way.

  • 17 years ago

    by adroit

    This poem shouts. In a good way.

  • 17 years ago

    by Sharon

    You're a great writer, i love the intensity i feel from this poem and the truth it bares