Daddy, Can You See Me?

by I Want To Forget But All I Do Is Remember   Jan 11, 2008

I walk down the stairs in an outfit most dads would have a fit about. I walk by you without you looking twice. Mom sees me and tells me to cover up and as i run past you you don't say a word. you look at the TV. I never know what you're thinking about when we sit down to eat. Its dead silence in the room. I know everything you like and dislike but do you know the same about me? Daddy, can you see me? Do you see everything I've done to try and get you to notice? Do you even care? I try with all my might to get you to notice me. But everything i do doesn't work. Your son can do one little thing wrong and you're right there correcting him. But i have to do the things he does 10 times as much before you even notice. But even then you don't yell at me you complain to my mother!!!!!! All I've ever wanted was for you to pay a little bit of attention to me. Daddy, can you see how the words you don't say hurt me! I want to tell you everything I've been through, because your my world...But you just don't seem to care. You do the things I'd love to do with you. Like fish and work on motors, but you don't want to include me in anything you find fun. Are you afraid I'll take the fun out of the things you find entertaining? Daddy, just one more thing, CAN YOU SEE ME?


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  • 17 years ago

    by Hidden1

    Girl this brought tears to my eyes. I can feel such emotion in this poem. Only my daddy did pay attention to me, but he didn't show me the affection like I needed or wanted. I can understand the pain you are feeling is this poem. This may be hard, but I would write him a letter and have him read it. I know it worked for me. Good luch with that.

  • 17 years ago

    by Dying Beautifully

    Wow yep that's what my dad was like until I cut him off he had his prize possesion son the one thing he wanted most and I was worthless I hate dad's like that. It's too bad they can't see or feel the pain they inflict. Great job I love it..Brava
