Comments : Take Me Home

  • 17 years ago

    by Kayla

    Oh my.. I've never read a poem like this one before. It was so unique, different, I loved it! Even the way it was wrote was unique! You did such a great job with this poem! I usually don't like poems about special events and all of that, but I enjoyed this one. You're a great author! Don't stop writing! 5/5 <3 <3


  • 17 years ago

    by Dallas McNamara

    I loved this. Speaks loudly as I will be in the Marines come June, this poem is one I shall remember for a long time and keep close. I love they way its worded, and I give you 5/5 and major props GREAT JOB!

  • 17 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    This is absolutely brilliant, truly breathtaking. I'm in awe and speechless in a way...
    I really can't express how much I like this piece. the whole idea for different point of views is original and refreshing. Whole piece is totally amazing, written excellently, with truly vivid and creative descriptions. Endlessly unique and deep.
    The ending is truly effective, it rounds up whole poem fantastically.
    Just... wow...
    Amazingly done.