Untitled 2

by Someone   Jan 12, 2008

Hushed emotions echo equally quit words
Passing eyes, judging hearts
Friendships hold

I held your hand
Wishing my tears could heal
The broken heart of yours

I cry the pains of sorrowed past
We spent years together
I thought it would always last

I told myself I would always have time
To tell you what my heart truly felt
Just three simple words, even though it meant a lot

Three words to change our lives
Three words to make a smile
I love you

But you slipped away
As I held you against me
My heart beating for you as yours grows cold

I would tell you now
But sobs strangle my throat
I want to scream my frustration
I want to hurt

But as a friend, some one who truly cares
I will hold you
Until you slip away

My tears will warm you
My words will soothe you
I will tell you any way

The final breaths are the hardest
But I finally say
“I love you dear, always and forever”

In the end I waited to long
My love could not save you
Give me your heart dear, I will stay.


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  • 16 years ago

    by chelsea

    This is a very deep and meaningfull poem and i loved every min ote of readin it its one of the few tht do show deep emotional anxiety well done
    chel-c x