Comments : The Rose's Thorn

  • 17 years ago

    by Blissful

    Wow I just loved that last line! It was so beautiful and filled with hope. The language you used was flawless and the imagery your created with your beautiful words just blew me away. I could feel everything you expressed in this poem because it was all so real. Well done *5/5*

  • 17 years ago

    by FlawlesslyTarnished

    A truly amazing poem which was expressed
    very deeply. The emotion of sorrow and hope
    was greatly portrayed. I loved the first and last stanza a lot. Your choice of words were
    amazing and simple an amazing write. 5/5.

  • 17 years ago

    by dora

    Aww that was such a great poem!! filled with emotion and love. very well worded and structured. a very touching piece. well done keep it up! xx 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Steven Topaz

    Title is not really grabbing my attention here, As this is a common title or something of the sort,
    As glancing through the poem, I will only comment four of the stanzas that need the most work, It takes a good 10 mins for four stanza poems and i dont feel like making it twenty

    Overall Problems: Puncuation, you have commas, but no end puncuation, End puncuation is the Frame of a poem, as like a frame of a picture if its good enough it can make a bad poem look good and and a good poem look perfect.
    Freestyle ryhming is fine with me, because I write some of my poems like that, changing the ryhming scheme but try and change that as most people will not like it as they might think it is choppy in flow,Three letter ryhmes are not to be used in bulk, as it makes a poem have a dull feeling, One line a stanza is ok, but 3 or 4 a stanza is not, again this is in my opinion not the worlds.

    First Stanza:Last line, The last half of the last line is completely breaking the flow, and it feels like you put that in there just to incorporate the title into the poem,
    Compliments:I liked the synonyms of Promise, and how instead of saying everything in metaphor you just say it as if it were happening.

    Stanza 2:The last line is driving me nuts, thats completely ruining the perfect flow you had in the first three lines, Now more words might be good if your saying it in an intense tone, but shorten a sadder poems lyrics.
    Where you were and when you get to be home,
    Simpler and shorter ^^^^
    Compliments:Foe and Widow, A very unique ryhme that i honestly never thought of before, and this is a common subject that no body can never get their hearts up to write about,

    Stanza three: After this one I need to compliment you on the very good last two stanzas.
    Even though the last line doesn't ryhme its fine, but the "Patient" is deadwood( Unneeded) can be dropped to make it more fluent.
    Theres nothing really wrong with this stanza, but theres nothing outstanding ethier.

    Your last two stanzas:Despite the subject of him going to war I didnt exspect this at all, It like blindsided me and really made me appreciate your last two stanzas Except for some wording of these last two stanzas everything is flawless and VERY emotinaly heartfelt, The first line from the last stanza, again broke the flow, but its fine as last stanzas are never normaly the same as the rest,
    And the metaphor of the very last line was very imaganitive as i pictured a great mountain leading up to the skys and a small woman starting at the very bottom, Ravaged and determined.

    Ryhme 4/5
    Flow 3/5
    Impact 4/5
    Emotinality 5/5 because of the last two lines

    Overall about a 4.

  • 16 years ago

    by Inside the Liar

    I loved the way you ended it with her determined to be with him again no matter what. i took it to mean that by learning to climb, she meant she would learn to live again, and she'd find him again in the afterlife. Maybe that wasn't how you meant it, but that's what I got from it. Beautiful piece. Lovely. 5/5