I lost you then forgived you

by CutMeOpen   Jan 12, 2008

I am in my room now
My tears are soaking my pillow top
My cell phone rings
I see your number I turn it off
You cheated on me with my best friend
How can I ever trust you now
I hear my doorbell ring
I open the door all there is a video tape and some flowers
I wipe my tears and put the video in
It's you on the couch
Your saying that your sorry
Then you pull out your guitar
The tape stops and the doorbell rings
There you are in the pouring rain singing my favorite song
I smile and cry with joy
I run to you and touch my lips with yours
There soft and wet but I don't care because.....


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  • 17 years ago

    by CutMeOpen

    Thank u

  • 17 years ago

    by Jose Loya

    I really liked this peom makes me happy to read these sometimes