Another Page in the Notebook

by Romancing the Darker Side   Jan 12, 2008

Maybe this could do some good
It's not like I've know you
For less than my whole life.

If you took off the mask,
You'd see what I was talking about.

"We never fight,
Just get it right"
If I had a word for each time you fought,
I'd write a novel.
And it'd be painful.

Just because pain works for you
Doesn't mean you've got to spread the word.
I like a little sprinkle.
But downpours and showers?
Those aren't proper,
Like you taught me to be.

These nights are repetitive.
Just so repetitive.
Here goes another stroke of the pen:
My life as a poem.

It's your fault this time.

How can you expect so much
When you've acheived so little?
I love you at the best of times
But this is not one of them.

Please don't come home tomorrow.
Please, just walk away.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    I really like how you write your feelings out. Although it seems a little off-pace, the flow is very good. You're good at expressing your feelings, but this poem could've been a little more... direct. I saw the concept but it wasn't totally clear. It was a very good concept though. I really liked this poem a lot. And it shows your potential as a writer :) 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by EssenceOfLace

    Now this was much sadder. It sounds as though it was either about parents, or a signifigant other. Fighting is never good.
    And I agree, sprinkles are good, we all need a little drama in our lives, but there is only so much we can take.
    The last lines were my favorite.

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