This is my story,a real story,
about my love that had sunk,
even before it could see it's glory.
I loved a girl and called her angel,
she stuck to my heart like a gel,
she was my world and she was my whole,
i loved her from the deepest of my soul...
I used to get lost in her eyes,
often feeling like a bird flying in the skies,
her eyes would take me to a dream place,
where there is nothing but only her face.
I went around behind, in her ways,
often forgetting to tell,what my heart says,
i couldn't explain,why all the fear,
when i knew,when she goes it would lead to tears.
With so much of love in my heart,
i never wanted us to be apart,
because of the fear,i would not tell,
the love,that was ringing in my heart like a bell..
As days went by,she went away from me,
but the love,still remained within me,
unsaid,unfulfilled and unforgettable,
that made my past regrettable...
for every heart,this is my message,
tell Ur love to Ur loved one,because today she is there,
tomorrow she may vanish and u will not find her anywhere,
let Ur loved one be known,that u care,
for her from the bottom of Ur heart....