
by aimee   Jan 14, 2008

I'd show you buht i don't know how
i'm spose to tell you what i shouldnt feel
when all i can think bout is youu
i know its over
cause you said its over
buht everything i do makes me think of you more
i keep listening to the same freakin songs
and i just want it liek it was before
buht its too late
i just dnot know
who im spose to be now :(


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  • 17 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    Great job this poem hold a lot of emotion ^^
    Nice work

  • 17 years ago

    by Tiffani

    I love this poem, i relate alot. this is exactly how i felt wen me n dale broke up... hes all of a sudden in everything u do, and everything u see. hes every song u hear, every movie u watch, everthing u write.... u kno hun and it sucks. but it gets better

    i think ud like my poem "I miss you"


  • 17 years ago

    by JaneGirl28

    Too depressing

  • 17 years ago

    by gwynnedolynskie

    Its pretty and sad all at the same time!!!
