
by Unknown   Jan 14, 2008

Usually with my writing, I write about social issues; things that are a problem in this world today, or perhaps positives. I like to think I'm objective, and my personal life has no bearing on my creative side. My poems are motivated by the world, by you, not by my own mind.

But sometimes something in your life becomes too prevalent, so incredibly important that you lose sense of what is what. I write about the world, as I said, and you could say I still am, for this person (gender needn't be known) is my world.
Love is a reoccurring theme in poetry, and it seems all love is personal. I will write about love as I see it, feel it and think of it. I will write about the world's love, not just my love.

Love is everlasting;
Love is everything.
Love never fails, even when all else seems futile.
There is no young love, no fake love, no end to love;
There are no levels to love.
Love is the full extent a person can feel for another,
To stay with someone for a lifetime,
To think about them every night,
Love is more than everything else together,
Love isn't biased to sexuality;
Sexual orientation is no matter.
Love isn't ageist, sexist or racist.
Love loves all without boundaries.
Love rids of hatred,
Love makes a fulfilled life.
Love makes a life,
Love makes a person.
For we aren't defined by our money,
Nor the number of friends we have,
We are defined by our happiness,
Which comes from love,
So love is the only measuring stick for success.
Love gives us hope, love gives us meaning,
'I love you' is used too much,
But it still means more than anything else could;
When said in truth.
Love doesn't make the world go round,
But love makes the journey worthwhile.
Love can pull us from the deepest darkness,
And put us on the highest light.
Love is what we live for,
Love is you, is me, love is us, dear love.

A worldly view, with a spin of personal perception.
This isn't one of my normal works, but there is no normalities about love. This is love.


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  • 17 years ago

    by JessyChika

    This is amazing. tell so much truth. keep up the awesome work :)

  • 17 years ago

    by LovingANDwaiting

    I really like this poem.. it speaks alot about love...

  • 17 years ago

    by Valerie

    Nicely put.