If Lying Were a Disorder, I'd Name You Chronic

by Kalie M   Jan 14, 2008

Tender, soft, beating, wrong.
living life within a fast song.
fake, lies... you see so pure
where does she go. why do this to her.
a chronic disorder, she claims you to have.
you deny, a plead, contribute to the sad.
so yes. she smiles. a smile, so true.
obviously not caring. you never did. true too.
faith and promise. awh. you had.
into the hands. flew extremely fast.
breaking what you made. pieces they broke.
loving, why, upset... you choked.
she laughs, excuses, she's happy, keeps moving.
tomorrow this only regret is your choosing.
nothing has fallen. btw you should know.
caring. nope. or youd ask how things go.
running, faster, pushing away.
why in the hell would she want to stay.
they agree too. what has she done.
this to herself, its your fault she runs.
you realize, of course. how could you not.
selfishness, she says. just connect the dots.
your eyes are pressed together. its not her fault.
a life, no its not. why look, you halt.
decisions, again, you're worse than she.
understand. she doesn't. how could this be.
she's happy, she smiles, she knows you see for sure.
so stop trying to take this away from her.


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  • 17 years ago


    Omg i like this poem... its good to read... i think like that 5/5