
by Kalie M   Jan 14, 2008

I suppose i kinda like you
i suppose you make me happy
and i kind of like when you speak
and make things lightweight sappy

i suppose i kinda like you
i suppose you make me smile
and i like the way you joke
and make all things worth while

i suppose i kinda like you
i suppose you make me laugh
and if i had to chart my feelings
they may not fit on a tiny graph

i suppose i kinda like you
i suppose you're really nice
and maybe when i count my blessings
i might just count you twice

i suppose i kinda like you
i suppose you're super cool
and whenever i'm around you
it's fun acting like a fool

i suppose i kinda like you
i suppose you're a lot of fun
and i suppose i like silly nicknames
or even the simple ones

i suppose i kinda like you
i suppose this poem is gay
but i don't care what anyone thinks
cuz you're on my mind all day

i suppose i kinda like you
i suppose you're not that lame
and i'm happy that we are kinda
well, we're kinda just the same

i suppose i kinda like you
i suppose i don't sound too sure
but i don't need to convince anyone
because it's only you i should assure

i suppose i kinda like you
i suppose i assume you know
i don't think i've told you
but then again, it probably shows

i suppose i kinda like you
i suppose, i suppose, i suppose
this is as simple as it gets
and i suppose it's time you know

i suppose i lightweight like you
i suppose, i suppose i do
i suppose i really shouldn't
but i can't help the thought of you

well, i suppose i don't kinda like you
i suppose i really, really do


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  • 17 years ago

    by Mike Martin

    It really dosen't get any simpler then that....good work!