I'll miss you. count on that.

by Sweet Nibblets   Jan 14, 2008

I'll never forget the day you asked me to be your girlfriend.
i won't forget the day we went to the movies together and laughed through all the serious parts.
i won't forget any of the great times i had with you.
i'll admit it. you were the first one i TRULY loved. and i'll miss that.
i thought that i moved on from so long ago.
even though 'long ago' is only a couple months.
but you have surely moved on.
i can't look at you when you have your arm around her waist.
i can't talk to you without my voice shaking because i'm trying to swallow the lump in my throat.
i sit on my bed wishing that i would've done things so that we're together but we're not.
i can't picture you holding her hand.
i can't picture you talking on the phone with her and right before you hang up you say 'i love you!' in that little voice the way you use to say it to me.
please..it seems like it was a great thought at the moment..
but, now?
do i really want you gone?


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  • 17 years ago

    by Faithless Watermelon

    Alot of people have the same format that you use..its sort of a poetic story, but it lacks a certain progression, it's a little too pushed together makes it an annoying read, at least for me. 4/5 at best

  • 17 years ago

    by you will never forget me

    Wow hun..is this ferr dylan? I'm really soory =[..but yeah breaking the lamps? sounds friggen fuunn! woot!..hah i love you..<33