Anything for Everything

by David Paul   Jan 15, 2008

This song goes out to the lovers who felt for each other the way i wanted us to be,
This verse goes out to the promise we made to be forever but forever is a tricky thing.

You break me down,
You tear me down,
You spin me round in ultimate denial that we can't be together.

This line dictates the future regrets I'll feel when I'm without you in my quest for eternal bliss,
This qualm is like a nagging mother which brings me back to your father and how he never felt...

You turn me down,
You throw me down,
You send me out alone to start over again.

I know I've got everything you want,
I know I lack the will to let you go,
I see your everything that I could ever need to be happy again.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Switchblade89

    Wow...never read this before but I like it.