
by Kaila   Jan 15, 2008

Dark shadows in the midst of my beating heart,
Icecaps fill the depth where the warmth once was,
Hollow, it does beat like a pounding drum,
A jigsaw puzzle missing it's piece.

Emotionless eyes, stare at him with desire,
Filling with tears they look away in disgust,
Observing the whereabouts of all the other girls,
A field without it's sunshine flower.

Unkissed lips, licked by a lonesome tongue,
Stuttering words, flutter into nothing,
Biting lips, embarrassed of what you'll say,
The moon without the stars.

Awkward hands, clenched against my hips,
lonesome lying at there vaccant sides,
No one to hold them, to be taken,
A child without it's blanket.

A jigsaw puzzle missing it's piece,
A field without it's sunshine flower,
The moon without the stars,
A child without it's blanket,
You without me.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    Wow, ... that was... I can't even find a word for it. The poem itself was soo great. And the flow was amazing... the concept was brilliant. But the way the end winded down to such a perfect line... Its leaving me lost for words on how to describe it. 5/5 and it took my breath away!

  • 17 years ago

    by xxxlOvElY sWeEtHeArTxxx

    Very well written..its cute and sad at the same time

  • 17 years ago

    by DJ

    This poem was awesome, at first I was unsure what it was about exactly but I liked that approach because it gave lots of room for imagination right up until the end when its spelled out for you. I love the last verse. This line especially "The moon without the stars" just paints a lonely picture. Very well done. 5/5 here.

  • 17 years ago

    by TheRapture03

    I loved the final stanza. This one had a great flow and stong emotion as well. Another great job :-) 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Crystal Gaze

    This was a very interesting write, I didn't know where you were going with the poem, but really I loved it after reading the last line.

    'A jigsaw puzzle missing it's piece,
    A field without it's sunshine flower,
    The moon without the stars,
    A child without it's blanket,
    You without me. '


    5/5 --Elly.