She don't dare

by Noush   Jan 15, 2008

Sometimes the stars shine so bright
& sometimes his eyes sparkle
she sees the tears glisten
but she don't dare make a sound

the loneliness stares down at me
whilst the pain spreads across his face
he raises his fist
but she don't dare say a word

his heart beats so loud
as he breaks into a sweat
the blood fills her mouth
but she don't dare cry

the grin sweeps his face
an all consuming evil
he tells her she'd better pray
but she don't dare move a muscle

his eyes fill with light
as he becomes a different person
she knows him better
but she don't dare let it slip

a crack in the ribs
a knock in the chest
his punches getting harder
but she don't dare show the pain

a little child at the doorway
cries out to her mummy
"it's okay we're just playing" says daddy
but she don't dare disagree

because she knows he loves her
he has too
one fatal blow
& she don't dare breathe


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  • 17 years ago

    by DBM

    It's a good poem, but I feel as if the gramatic and spelling errors take away from what could otherwise be an enrapturing piece. I really do like how you get the strong point across, and I enjoyed the ending.

    Best Wishes!