Let It Out

by Matt Arent   Jan 16, 2008

Thinking you are alone,
Thinking no one would care if you died.
Getting pulled over for not paying attention,
For you're too busy thinking of your failures.
But there is one who cares,
They see you every day.
Hoping to cheer you up,
To make you feel noticed.
Bringing you out of The Cycle,
The Cycle of depression to happiness and back to depression.
All they want is you to be happy,
They sacrifice their world for you.
You tell them everything,
Not noticing they care.
You tell them your heart is bleeding,
Only to ignore what they say about you.
They say they love you,
Not just say it but mean it.
They try to heal you bleeding heart,
But you push them away in fear.
This fear is being hurt again,
By someone you love.
Trust your heart,
Let them know you love them too.
Holding your love in destroys you,
That's what really hurts.
Actions lead to happiness,
Happiness leads you to the truth.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    Excellent job again
    Your a talented writter

  • 17 years ago

    by Kara

    So sad and depressing
    but very good
    love u babe