
by I Seem to be the Heartless   Jan 16, 2008

I'm drowning,
Laying on the bottom
Of Life's ocean floor.

I'm awake,
Constantly aware
Of the thoughts in my head.
Why do they haunt me?
Why can I not block them out?
Why do they keep me awake?

It's the fear that they bring;
The terror that has been instilled;
The pain that still burns.

They linger like the scent
Of rotting flesh -
They sting like a deadly snake-bite,
The poison seeping into my veins,
The toxin slowly killing me.

Staring at myself in the mirror
My eyes blood-shot,
My hair unbrushed and scraggly,
My face gaunt and pale,
I scream.
I want to be rid of the images
That constantly terrorise my dreams.
I want to enter into
An endless slumber.
I'm not afraid
To sleep forever...



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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Cobra

    I agree with Justin, amazing.


  • 17 years ago

    by DBM


    Sorry. Still, nice job!


  • 17 years ago

    by DBM

    That was amazing! It was very well written, and the visual imagery was fantastic! Keep up the ood work! 5/5
