JASON [[no title but good poem]]<333

by TillyMariex   Jan 16, 2008

Razor blade tears
fall down my face
never ending lies
that no one can erase

The darkness devours me
the sun burns through my skin
this life is just a game
&& its impossible to win

Painful memories
that wont go away
your skies are blue
but mine are still gray

what is happiness
when your smiles are all fake
i gave you my whole heart
please don't let it break

I'd give up my life
if it meant yours was saved
you told me you love me
&& in my heart it was engraved

baby i wish i could show you
how you make me feel
you make me feel alive
god i hope this love is real

every night before i sleep
i lay down in my bed
i close my eyes && think
about all the things you've said

i begin to pray
that you && i will last
i start to cry
the tears come down fast

i don't want to lose you
never again
but don't worry baby
I'll still love you past the end

i want to hold you
&& give you all my love
I'm so lucky to have you
your like an angel from above

this smile that i wear
is all thanks to you
if you ever left again
i swear i don't know what I'd do

oh i love you so much
your my shooting star
you lift me oh so high
&& you take me very far

baby don't you know
that your the only one
who can make me feel this way
in my world,your better than the sun

if you could only see
the things i see in you
you have a spell on me
that no one can ever undo

you are the air i breathe
your all that i need
our love is a story
that I'd happily reread

we've gone through a lot
but we can go through much more
our love is full of dangers
but I'm ready to explore

i need you in my life
take care of my heart
you can help it heal
but you can also tear it apart

baby don't you see
your everything to me
without you i couldn't breathe
without you I'd only bleed



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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by TwistedAngel xx

    thats so like how I feel with my guy sometimes too
    your so expressive it rocks!
    cant wait to read more of ur stuff
    keeps it up


  • 17 years ago

    by Amani

    "our love is full of dangers
    but I'm ready to explore"

    Thats absolutly adorable!
    I think we all feel that way when it comes to that special person.
    ANYWAY this poem is so cute!