She's pulled me through

by IveBecomeSomeoneImNot   Jan 16, 2008

That small voice in my head
made my life a missery
made me want to be dead
and left me with a future i couldn't see

she made me destroy myself from the inside out
made me nearly waste away
made me question what life was about
and feel that i couldn't go on another day

she told me that i was fat
that i didn't deserve to live
i believed that
and didn't think i had anything to give

but know i've met charley
and she's helped me through
she's made me see
just what i can do

i owe her my life
we will make it together
even through the strife
i will love her forever


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  • 17 years ago

    by Katie

    I find it interesting how you make your thoughts separate from yourself.
    The poems general, yet I know how you feel. I can't help but feel distant again though; I want to feel closer how you're feeling with richer images and maybe symbols. For example at the part you mention Charley you could write something like, " Then Charley caressed my head. I knew everything would be okay." Maybe mention something about a red bed to represent your passion.
    So you're aware there's the letter k infront of where you seem to have meant to put now.
    Charley must be a great woman; kudos to your relationship with her.

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