
by 0BrokenBella0   Jan 16, 2008

"Deep in my heart I'm concealing,
Things that I'm longing to say.
Scared to confess what I'm feeling,
Frightened you'll slip away."

I'm out of ways to tell you
All the terrible things I've done.
Please believe I never meant to,
But I let everything go wrong.

All that I can say now
Is how sorry I really am.
I'm not sure if you know how,
But, please forgive me if you can.

Sadly, my heart is revealing
Things I've been dying to say.
So now I'll express what I'm feeling,
And watch you walk away.

You don't have to forgive me.
I wouldn't if I were you.
So, now I'll just let you be.
It's the least that I could do.

Now the secrets are out of my head,
And you turn to walk away.
I know now, by the things you've said
That you always planned to stay.

Deep in my heart I'm concealing
Tears I've been longing to cry.
For they will betray what I'm feeling
As they fall from my silent eye.

Please know that I'm sorry.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Wow, excellent write!!! I feel like many people can relate/conect with your poetry, you have a way with words. Keep up the fantastic work.

    Peace, Joe

  • 17 years ago

    by Rebecca

    I really like this peom...makes you think

  • 17 years ago

    by 0BrokenBella0

    Thanks so much pookie...your comments light up my day. In all reality, it's about a girl who cheats on her boyfriend and she tells him, and he leaves her. But thank you so much.
    <3 bella

  • 17 years ago

    by pookiengurgi

    I loved this poem,as I read I just felt so bad for the character in the poem who lost their friend....but atleast they were brave enough to tell the truth...the word flow was also so fluent,this poem was so magnificent it deserves 5/5

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