My Star

by FarFromHome   Jan 16, 2008

When the skies cloudy and dark
there's still a star that stands out
your like my star
every time my life's going bad you pop into my head and make me laugh
I look forward to seeing you
just like I look forward to seeing that 1 star because you make me realize that life's not just about the tears of hate we cry but the tears of joy
my life's starting to brighten
just like a sunset after a rainy night
just because the night is over it doesn't mean things will get worse
it just means my star is now the sun
just like a seed turns into a flower
you helped me mature into a young lady no longer bitter or sour
no matter how bad things get
you'll always be my star, sun, and flower
that makes me smile
hour after hour


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  • 17 years ago

    by Forever Broken

    Wow this was amazing. you hae quite the talent. 5 poems writin in one day and u just joined. Welcome by the way.

    my life's starting to brighten
    just like a sunset after a rainy night

    that was my favortive stanza. Please do continue to write and feel free to check out some of my work. 5/5 kat