What went wrong

by welshboy0112   Jan 18, 2008

Feeling shitty is just the way of life
I look down at the bloody knife
What went wrong what lead me to this place
Looking in the mirror nothing just the look of disgrace

Dark clouds constantly over my head
Lying and crying to myself curled up in bed
The rain starts pouring blood running down my wrists
Anger and range build up inside of me clenching the knife in my fists

Waiting for the dark clouds too pass
Looking around no one to talk to when will the clouds surpass
What went wrong what lead me to this place
Looking in the mirror nothing just the look of disgrace

Brave face walking around with the clouds following you
Looking for some happiness however untrue
Back home lying in bed asking when is the end
Say to yourself it’s ok everything will turn out ok but why pretend


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  • 17 years ago

    by Mae

    It sucks to feel isolated & depressed. we are all trying to find ourselves in this giant maze we call life. you are a great poet, this poem expresses your feelings very well. keep up the great work. writing does a soul well.-mae