Have You Ever Lost Someone?

by Lost in Life   Jan 18, 2008

Have you ever lost a friend,
or have you ever lost family?
Did you try to get them back,
or sit doing nothing unhappily?

Whether they died,
or whether the relationship you had was ruined.
It all matters deep inside
because your heart is left in ruins.

Your only wish is to have them back
to hold and cherish,
but were they yours in the first place
now left in the dust to perish.

I once had a friend I let go
she moved and what to do....I didn't know.

It happened so fast I was confused
whether or not to speak up and let her know,
or sit back and watch her stroll
right down the street back to the moving van
not doing anything about it, just watching the van roll....

I look back on this and feel like an IDIOT
starring at her picture, wanting to be with her
hoping for that chance,
but let that go because I know, It won't happen.


I once lost a family member.

A terrible tragedy that ruined my young days.

People looked at me,
all I could do was stare back with a watery gaze.

What am I left to do now?
So many questions unanswered like a puzzle or maze.

Now I'm left with 2 people who I hate.
No man left in my life to head me the right direction.
My father lives so far away,
for him to come and get me would be hard and show to much affection. , too him.

That is why I am disappointed and confused,
because no one cares enough to help.
Now I'm screaming,
calling for YOUR help, like a dog would yelp...


I once lost myself, and have not yet found it.


Take what you have and hold it tight
Don't let go and think things will be alright
Start taking life for what it's worth
don't wait, start tonight.

%^$@*(&%(@%&($^ Closing Notes ^$)&%@)%&)*@$^%

I really need to revise this soon....I just needed to say something like this for closure
I hope you can understand what I mean and what I wish won't happen to you
Just be yourself and stay true to all that means anything to you.

Please leave advice on what I can do to improve this......


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by bethany

    This is great!!!

  • 16 years ago

    by ForbiddenSnowflake

    You are really talented for such a young age. I can definetly relate to your poem. I lost a family member and I changed. I have never been the same since i was your age. Keep up the great work!

  • 17 years ago

    by Four Letter Lie

    Hey its tough. but... oh screw tht it dust get better.

    my advice, never forget those you loved ansd lost.


  • 17 years ago

    by LiNa

    This is a comment from lina . o.m.g i loved this and i could relate at the part (i miss me ) i miss the real me too but i loved this poem 100%

  • 17 years ago

    by Candy Rain

    Losing somebody is painfull i know how it feels and when i think about the people i lost it brings me down...u is talented and i like reding your poems maybe you could write one for me sometime if you dont mind ; )