My attemps in speaking to her heart

by ctmskm   Jan 18, 2008

For the one who is there for me through it all.
Literaly my Significant other.
I have been put here for you,
I Love you, forever and day.


This is for you my dear,
So I may try and speak to your heart,
Some words that proved I loved you,
Even from the start.

The day that your soul in-fixed my gaze,
I could not look away,
Your presence alone,
Enough to make me sway.

You entered through my eyes,
And into my heart you came,
Exuding all eternal love,
To which never will I be the same.

We witnessed such a spark,
Soon led to be a fire,
Just to be alone with you,
Our hearts burning with desire.

You learned to love my heart,
I learned to love yours first, :)
What were we to do?
With such a new love to disperse

First unspoken words "I love you,"
Will surely soon be said,
Because I love you, - I love you baby,
kept running through my head.

Exquisite sensations,
Perpetual bliss,
Our moments in time,
Overwhelming happiness.

I love the way you look at me,
When you think that I can't see,
Believe me when I say this,
"To my heart, you are my key."

The broken locks were an opening,
For you inside my head,
I tried my best to be guarded,
But With you I'm an open book instead.

You're the only girl,
That I could forever hold,
I hope our love is never-ending,
If the truth be told.

Time seems to go so fast when I'm with you
So slow when your away,
I cant wait for the next time I see you,
I need you is what I'm here to say.

Your appearance is perfection,
Your soul, is divine,
I can't believe I'm yours;
I can't believe your mine.

Feeling like I exist, all over again,
As deep as the sky, under my skin,
Waking me up to dreaming
Reality in my eyes from within

You fill me with such elation,
You make me feel alive,
Into auras of magic,
Forever we will dive.

My arms around you,
An angel I tuck to bed,
Your head on my shoulder,
A place to rest your head.

A feeling as though our souls are touching,
Our hearts are holding hands,
And in our eyes shared glances observe,
What nobody else understands.

I can't imagine life without you
As funny as that seems
Your face is in the sunrise
Your laughter in my dreams.

You make me smile till it hurts,
And sometimes laugh till I cry,
This could last forever sweetie,
I'd do it until the day I die.

I'll tell you that I love you,
And that your always on my mind,
But make sure my feet are on the ground for me,
Because it feels like the worlds gravity has died.

You always know just what to say,
And exactly what to do,
There is no doubt about it,
I'm me when I'm with you.

What we have is wonderful,
But all is up to fate,
To see what will become of us,
I guess we'll have to wait.

I hope we last forever,
till the earth consumes us both,
till I meet your soul face to face with mine
All that changes is time.
So here I give you evidence,
That the words "forever and a day" will defend.
Proving that death will not hold back my love.
So before this night ends I just want to say
Sarah I will love you forever and with you forever and a day I will stay.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kalgalath

    You have laughed so hard that you cried??? id like to see that.

    anyway i really liked this one. though it was long and i didnt want to read it now, im glad i did.