Dreams Can Come True

by fixmeimbroken   Jan 18, 2008

Everyday as I wake up
I always think about the dream I had
It was me and you
Sharing the most special memory
The one whom everyone is not destined to be

You came into my life unexpectedly
I don't know you, you don't know me too
Our paths crossed on that fateful
That very moment you said "Hi" to me
It was the most precious thing I've heard

I am always on the go
Looking forward to constantly seeing you
Your smile, your eyes, oh it made me sigh
Until another night will come by
I will see your lovely face agiain

Those three words you said to me
I have waited for it patiently
As long as I have you
I thanks God i have you finally
And my dreams amazingly became a reality!


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  • 17 years ago

    by ganjaru

    I also hve a poem abt a dream but its sad not like yours.. i write poetry cuz it helps overcome my frustrations i like writing my feelings.. what i mean is i just write then it'll become a poem im so happy when i have finished somethng it means alot

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