Dancing To Me

by SexyStar   Jan 18, 2008

Dancing to me is life
its something to work at
and skill to gain
the hurt and pain
some gasp and worry
but to me is apart of achieving
fulfilling and enjoying the dance
routine after routine
hour after hour
every bit of energy
and effort
go into putting on the final piece
the stretches and warm-ups
all to protect myself
one major injury and I'm back to specteting
every practice and rehearsal
should have drastic effort
one move wrong and every things gone
my dreams and future
stare at me each time i move
daily activities all include dance and movement for me
from fingertips
to tippy toes
every move must be perfect
but perfection is earned
and happens when work is put in
a dancers life is no way as easy
as most would think
its a cruel industry
but everyone in it
has learnt to become tough
and always look ahead!


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  • 17 years ago

    by SexyStar

    The reason i put no punctuation in is because it lets you as the reader put the story as u want it. To me its just one continues story thats hardly just begun but has along way to go. Hope you enjoy it ! Please comment !! xxxxxx