
by XxSINISTERxX   Jan 18, 2008

I remember the day.
the day you told me you loved me.
but i never thought today.
would be the day i died of pain.

you swore eternal love to me.
and i swore it to you too.
but today you keep ignoring me.
and you don't even say i love you too.

i remember you used to kiss me.
and you always blew away my mind.
but today you keep on dissing me.
and our love i can't seem to find.

today has been like yesterday.
and the day before that too.
i don't think there'll be another day.
were you call me your baby boo.

today i cut myself again.
but i can't seem to bleed this out.
but i still hope for another day.
were you can show me what your loves about.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    Awww, This is so sad.
    I Want to cry for you.
    The emotion is so strong. Truly it is.
    I hope...That things get better for you.
    The poem was excellent and well written.
    Keep it up, I Believe you have a talent here.
    <=] 5/5 Completely


  • 17 years ago

    by Laurenf7

    Great poem 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by AlexBlythe

    Really nice..