Call by if you should chance remember,
Your invite that fell to the floor.
If you like wait until next September,
When I'll next re-appear at your door.
If you just cannot make it please tell me,
Please don't leave me blind in the night.
With your hand in command I will soon see,
Your full captivating delights.
If you come in the small hours of morning,
Please waken me out of the gloom.
And together we'll greet the new morning,
With a sigh, kiss goodbye to the moon.
If you're busy I'll gladly run later,
If not second I'll surely go last.
At this moment I'd rather not wager,
As my hope fades away with the past.
As the hours here so slowly go chiming,
And the Moon makes it's way for the Sun.
I sit absent of reason or rhyming,
To grieve for the loving undone.
When you wake from your deep and warm slumber,
See the face that so blindly looks back.
Cast away all your thoughts of this number,
Who quite simply rode on the wrong track.