Through mists of doubt and veils of blackness,
I peered into arenas never built.
And there, despite all fear of contradiction,
Set pedestals before your blinding light.
Shared miseries you had and made them mine,
Craving your existence as you were near to death.
Crying tears of gold to Gods I could not know.
Did not succumb until my pain,
At least matched that of yours.
Listened in childish awe to your grand counsel,
Drew back in wonder that you could be so wise.
In my darkness I would dream each silent move you made.
Until this Son your moves could mimic,
At least one half as well as you.
Felt safe that should I fall, your loving arms,
Would catch and cradle me.
For decades lived in instilled adoration,
To discover now that you were.....
I'm in awe. This piece is absolutely amazing, so deep. I truly can't express how much I like it. Excellently written poem, it left me speechless.
I could drown within endless, vivid depths of every stanza. Impressive poem from the beginning to the end.
I can't choose my favorite part, every stanza is equally breathtaking.
Excellently done!