You said you'd always be here
So then why do I feel like i'm losing you?
Maybe it's because I don't trust anyone now
And no matter how much you're there for me now
You're gonna leave eventually
And I guess I'm just anxiously awaiting that day
The day I say hello, and you forget me
Because you could never make me feel as carefree and loved as I want
That's just not you
It's no one fault
But God's
If, in fact, God is up there
And even if he is
He definitly won't help me now
Cuz he knows I've lost all my faith
In everything he was supposed to have done
If there ever was some
You don't know how truly perfect you are
I could say this a thousand times
It won't make you stay here
It won't make you care
I don't want it to be like this
But I can't contain myself
I'm gonna push you away
Just like everyone else