From The Start of Time You've Been Mine (song)

by defined by her   Jan 19, 2008

Before we could walk
before we could talk
youve been mine
from the start of time
but you cant see
the distance your creating
between you and me

Oh, From the start of time
until the clocks stop
me and you
i swear our loves true

your grown up now
but im still stuck
in my old childhood
im not over you
the love to you isnt new
now that youve matured
i want you to be assured
you'll never be out of my mind
your loves a treasure chest
that i want to find

oh, from the start of time
until the clocks stop
me and you
i swear our loves true

my last breaths gone
while the day becomes dawn
i hope you know
i never lied to you
my love of you was true
now it cant be
why didnt you see
i died because of you
you broke my heart
and i couldnt live
without a new start

from the start of time
until the clocks stop
me and you
our love was true
i miss you


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  • 17 years ago

    by lil miss music

    That was a very sweet poem. Keep writing! You have talent.

  • 17 years ago

    by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

    Awwww, I really like this. I am related to this, bought up memories to make me feel I am not the only one. Keep it up!