That phone call

by Candy Rain   Jan 19, 2008

Do you know what you did to me??
you made me feel wanted you was one my best friend,
Till that day I got that phone call.
You was yelling at me saying you didn't want to be seen with me,
Was it because of your new friends?

We use to hang out after school at burger king,
We played ball together in school,
We was like sisters you know, we argued now and again but it didn't matter.
You came to me whenever you needed my help.

What happened girl we was tight now when I see you you walk the other way,
I see in your eyes that your hurting just as much as me,
But your new friends don't like me and you want to be like them.
Did I not show you the meaning of friendship,

I wonder if we'll ever talk again i miss hanging out with you,
My main social life was ended on that day of the phone call.
You called me so much offensive names,
I cried that night because i was without my best friend.
Would you ever come back to my rescue I wonder.

If you ever read this just know i still love you and i don't really blame you for what you did,
I blame your new friends but life goes on,
I'm moving on but I'll still be in my heart


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  • 17 years ago

    by Bekka Smekka

    Awww so sad but it ended with love!! great job!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Mike Martin

    Ahhh...peer is the worse. I'm sorry it happened but it does happens.

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