You Promised

by Paige Lea   Jan 19, 2008

"I promise I'll try harder
I really do," you said
"I promise we can do this"
Was another lie I read

You've had your share of lies
The promises you broke
But these two were the ones I thought
Wouldn't make me choke

You said you'd get the grades
You said you'd try so hard
You promised me that nothing else
Could ever still bombard

You looked me in the eye
Held my face in your hands
You said that we could do this
"We'll make them all stand"

And I really believed you
Because I thought you would
Even though you broke some before
I still believed we could

But now I sit here broken
As you start to walk away
From a friendship I wanted so, so bad
Because you promised me you'd stay

I guess the song we were singing
Really was a lie
But I'll always mean the words
"I wanna hold you high"

I'm crying now, but you don't care
I guess that's all I do
Crying, caring, loving, wanting
The promises from you

I'm sorry that I care
I'm sorry you don't know
You promised that you'd wait for me
But now, you let me go

I don't want your broken promises
I don't want your empty lies
It's ironic how I want the one that
Makes rain fall from my eyes


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  • 17 years ago

    by Melanie

    I had to read it twice to understand what you meant by the last two lines because when I write a poem somtimes the last two lines are what I want. so for a second I didnt understand but now I do. lol it was good though I liked it

  • 17 years ago

    by Alexandraa

    Great !

  • 17 years ago

    by she

    Good poem,good flow

  • 17 years ago

    by ItsYou ItsAlwaysBeenYou

    Nice job on the poem :) i really like the last line it has a really big impact. GrEaT jOb!

  • 17 years ago

    by Em

    It's a very nice poem, and I think you write it good and with a nice flow ^^
    continue the good work