Sleeping Angel

by Valentin   Jan 19, 2008

I could stay awake
To watch you sleep
To see you smile
While you dream.
I don't want to close my eyes,
I don't want to miss a second
Of this special sight.
Your smile slowly fades,
Slowly turning into a frown.
Your breathing is loud
You shake and move around.
With a gentle kiss
Upon your soft lips
Your breathing eases
Your body relaxes.
Once again, you're back to how you were,
Sleeping like the beautiful angel you are
A beautiful angel sent from above
For me to hold in my arms and forever love
With a final kiss i whisper
Sleep well and sweet dreams
Good night, my sweet, sweet angel from the sky...


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  • 17 years ago

    by Windsong

    Ah damn it made me think about that a-hole that hurt me ... hahaha
    (i think you know who i am talking about.. the card and shit lol)
    but ya its really good i like it alot..

    AMAZING !!!


  • 17 years ago

    by Megan

    I really really like this poem its really sweet and romantic